
My First Post!

We sail, boys!

Working pretty well, frankly better than I expected, hopefully this can get going now. I kinda always have wanted to create a blog for the random things I did but I never really ever completed it, frankly cause as of writing this blog/introduction post I really suck at HTML/CSS. There is nothing more I hate than not being able to implement what I envisioned in the demo/image I created in my head. I will probably change the theme with a site that I create after I learn all about CSS but for now I really liked the chirpy theme after seeing someone else use it. So here I am now, using it too.

Till the next blog I make, I want to start on one of the things I have planned.

  • Intro post
  • Make a Paint-like App using Python from scratch
  • Make a Paint-like App using C/C++ from scratch
  • Make a Snake Game on an ESP32
  • Make a Paint-Like Thingy on an ESP32
  • Learn Assembly for embedded controllers
  • Learn and Remodel my Site

As you can see I kind of want learn more about Embedded things and Optimization, (also Robotics but maybe later)

Also for full disclosure, Google analytics is enabled on this jekyll site, for ya know so that I can see what are the type of people visit me are. And Cloudflare CDN is responsible for Image hosting! There will never be any Adverts on my blogs.

Thank you for listening and see you Later!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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